How Does A Clean House Help Reduce Your Stress?

There is a theory that states your surroundings can actually influence the amount of stress that you are actually feeling. If you are in a cluttered home, or if your office is also in disarray, this can actually influence the state of your mind. People that are constantly stressed out may not have time to clean their home, so it could be a simple aftereffect of not being relaxed enough to clean. However, psychologically speaking, it is possible that the disarray that you see could actually translate to confusion in the mind leading to the stress that we all feel. Here are a few reasons on why having a clean house could actually lead to a reduction in your stress. A Clean House Unclutters The Mind Sensory perception plays a large role in the way that we actually feel. Although we are constantly regurgitating information that we have stored in our brain, it’s what we see around us that actively influences the way that we are, and also the way that we feel. The reason that this is true is that we begin to associate what we see around us with memories, and we do this unconsciously. This disarray that we see could actually trigger emotions and memories that were once forgotten, and despite not being able to visualize them in our mind, our body will react. Therefore, by keeping everything in order, this is going to cause her body to respond in a positive manner. A clean house, at least to some people, references a sense of completion. Instead of worrying about whether or not someone is going to come over and see the chaos that we are living in, our mind and body will relax automatically simply because everything around us is organized. It Balances Our Emotions The second thing that a clean house will do for a person is balance their emotions. As mentioned earlier, our memories are directly associated with emotions that we experienced. Essentially, when we feel a certain way, this can evoke memories in our subconscious. These memories will then evoke related feelings. It becomes a cycle that we may not even be aware of, circulating within our subconscious mind, causing us to react in a conscious manner. When you see someone that is shifting in regard to their disposition, sometimes it happens because of the place you happen to be standing. In the same way, by having a cleanly home, you can evoke feelings of contentment and happiness. Knowing that there is nothing to do, such as cleaning our home, can actually evoke positive feelings which can augment our emotions. It Changes Both Individuals And Groups Taking this a step further, if you are in an environment that is perfectly organized, this can affect everyone that is in the room. The reason that this happens is that each individual is going to start feeling better because of the lack of disarray, and this will influence the way they are thinking and the things…

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How Many Calories Does A Person Burn Cleaning House?

Even though burning calories at a gym is a great idea, most people don’t have the time to go there as often as they’d like. There might be household chores that need to be finished first. What if you were able to transform these household chores to calorie-burning activities? Although sitting at your desk for an extra hour will not burn calories, house cleaning can help you burn off calories. This article provides information on how many calories does a person burn cleaning the house. A recent study revealed that a thorough spring cleaning could burn up to 3,600 calories which is much more than the average 2,600 to 3,500 calories burned running a marathon. On the other hand, if you approach your house cleaning job with a lackadaisical attitude, you won’t be burning as much as 3,600 calories during the session. But if you approach the session more as a workout than simply dusting or vacuuming, you can easily burn some serious calories during the session. The number of calories you burn during the house cleaning sessions may depend on many other factors such as your weight, height, duration, type of activity, and intensity of the session. Heavier people will burn more calories during the same period of time compared to people who are not that heavy. For example, a 150-pound person will burn 99 calories during a 30-minute house cleaning session while a 200-pound person would be burning 131 calories during the same amount of time doing the same activities. On the other hand, the longer one works, the more calories he/she may burn. For example, a 150-pound person might burn up to 99 calories in 30 minutes and 198 calories if he/she continues for 60 minutes with the same activities. The harder one works, the more calories he or she burns. For example, if you are 150 pounds, you will burn 85 calories in 30 minutes performing light work. But if you perform heavy cleaning for 30 minutes, you will burn 153 calories. The type of activity you do also may affect the amount of calories you burn. For example, a 150-pound person will 77 calories washing dishes for 30 minutes. The same person can burn up to 153 calories if he or she mops the floor for 30 minutes. On the other hand, various cleaning activities will help you work out different parts of your body. If you want to shape up your arms, you should indulge in mopping, dusting, polishing, and sweeping the house. If you want to bend or stretch, you can indulge in washing the windows, making the beds, and doing the laundry. These activities will also help tone your thighs and improve the flexibility. Walking up and down the stairs is a good aerobic workout. Washing windows will not only give your arms a good workout but burn up to 167 calories in 30 minutes. The amount of calories burnt may depend on how hard you perform these activities. Even though soap…

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How To Keep Your House Organized And Clean

Keeping your house organized and clean is easy once you have your system in place. Start by assessing your personal needs for keeping your home clean and organized. Does everything have its place? In order to fully accomplish this task, you’re going to have to ensure that everything has its place. Start with one room. It can be any room but you want to be able to finish it in one day so that you can see something done and accomplished. Go to your room and get rid of anything that you haven’t used in the previous year. Either give it away, sell it at in a yard sale, or if it’s broken, throw it out. Hopefully, this has purged a large amount of clutter from your room. If not, go through it again and be a bit more ruthless. Get rid of things that you don’t need, use or want. Now that you’ve narrowed down your things in this room, find a place for each and every item. If it doesn’t belong in this room, put it where it goes. Do this for every room in your home. Be vigilant and systematic in your efforts. It will take time (it didn’t become cluttered in one day) and you’ll have to be firm with yourself on some things. Once you’ve narrowed it down, invest in some organization tools to use so that you can use to corral your belongings. Consider baskets, shelves, under bed storage boxes and the like. Get everything in its place and tidy up your rooms. If you do this right, you’ll have neater rooms in just half an hour each day. Once you’ve gone over the entire house, you’re going to find that simply remembering to put everything in its place as you take things out and put them back will help to keep your house organized and clean. If you’re leaving a room, take anything with you that needs to be put away and put it away as you go by where it belongs. Get into this habit and make sure that you teach this to everyone who lives in your house. Soon, you’ll see that your house is staying neater and cleaner. It will be easier to vacuum and dust when you keep things picked up and put away. As you purchase new things, you may need to get rid of things that you’re no longer wearing, or using. This will help you to keep things in rotation and out of the junk pile that tends to accumulate in your home. It’s easy to get off track by not putting things away for a day or so. When this happens, be sure to go over the house and pick things back up and go back to your routine. Keeping a routine in motion will help you to keep your home neat and tidy. Vacuum at least twice per week (more if needed) and dust after vacuuming (vacuuming can cause dust to settle on the…

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3 Natural Cleaning Products That Work

No one likes the idea of having their family eat off a surface recently cleaned with a chemically laden cleaning product. Even though everyone wants a clean house, the products that are used to clean that house have come under scrutiny lately. There are many choices on the market for natural cleaning products. Many people find, however, that they do not have the cleansing power of the chemically-laden products. That makes them seem only a little bit better. But, for anyone who wants a natural clean, and one that works to cut through grease, soap scum, spills, and more, there is hope in the form of three ingredients. Most anyone has these items around the house. White vinegar, baking soda, and rubbing alcohol all have powerful cleaning abilities. Add a few more ingredients to them to customize them into natural cleaning products that clean bathrooms, kitchens, floors and windows effectively. White vinegar along with warm water is an amazing natural cleaner. Don’t worry about the smell. It disappears as soon as it dries. Dip a cloth into the mixture and use it to clean sinks, tubs, and toilet surfaces. You can put the mixture in a spray bottle to make it easy to clean appliances and counters. Use vinegar in the toilet bowl and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub the bowl as usual and flush. Stains can be removed after letting the mixture sit for 10 minutes and then using a pumice stone to scrub. You can make an amazing home floor cleaner with two cups vinegar, a quarter cup of rubbing alcohol and three drops of dish soap. It works on marble, granite, and stone. The vinegar will not etch these materials as it evaporates before it can cause a problem with its acidity. You can also add drops of essential oils to add fragrance. A few things to keep in mind: do not use compound oils as those can leave a greasy residue behind. Be sure to use a pure dish soap, too. Anything that contains anti-bacterial ingredients is not ideal. You can even use vinegar as a fabric softener. Pour a cup in the rinse cycle. The smell will dissipate and your clothes will be left soft without causing any irritation to anyone who is susceptible to allergies. Another excellent item to sue to clean around the house effectively is baking soda. Mix it with water to create a paste that can be used to clean the inside of an oven. Apply the mixture and let it sit. Scrub it off with a stiff brush and your oven will be free of any grease, grime or baked-on spills. It is an excellent scrub. Apply it to a damp cloth to clean a kitchen sink or your stove top. It can also work wonders on cleaning the inside of a toilet. You can also make use of rubbing alcohol to polish off chrome bath fixtures, mirrors, and windows. Add equal parts of vinegar to it…

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